Elizabeth I  was born on 7th September 1533 to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. At the time of her coronation in 1558 England was a weak and divided kingdom.
However, Elizabeth's political skills and strong personality led England to become a world economic and political power. In government she was a clever quick witted ruler and she was famous for her great skills of persuasion as well.
She set up a council of advisors called The Privy Council that helped her dealing with other countries, working with the army and taking care of other important issues. But Elizabeth also had  a reputation for leaving important decisions to the very last minute often annoying her ministers.
She's regarded as one of the greatest monarchs of England. The time when Elizabeth ruled her country is remembered as The Golden Age.

Discover more on Elizabeth I watching the following video.

Click here to watch an insightful documentary on Elizabethan England


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